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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vancouver Save Article 9 Event: Hatoyama Administration's Impact on Foreign Policy and Article 9 バンクーバー九条の会の講演 - 鳩山新政権が外交政策や改憲問題にもたらす影響

(Scroll down for Japanese version of this notice. 日本語版はこの案内の下にあります)

A Talk by Yves Tiberghien, Associate Professor of Political Science at UBC

" New Hatoyama Administration's Implication for Japan's Foreign Policy and the Constitutional Revision Issue"

Date and Time:7 - 9 PM, October 28 (Wed.)

Place: Kaede Room 2nd Floor, National Nikkei Heritage Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby BC
(Underground parking available. See this link for directions)

The August 30 General Election in Japan ended with a landslide victory for the Democratic Party of Japan and the devastating defeat of the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party. In light of this, how will the new coalition government tackle the issues surrounding the much debated revisions to The Constitution, specifically Article 9? Some leaders of the DPJ claim that they wish to establish a more equal relationship with the U.S., yet in reality, how does that affect or change policies between the two nations such as the Japan-US Security Treaty, the disputed relocation of Futenma Air Base, the SDF's refuelling mission inthe Indian Ocean, and Japan's cooperation with Obama's initiative for nuclear disarmament? Yves Tiberghien, a UBC Political Science professor specialized in Japanese Politics, will be giving a presentation as to the implication of the New Hatoyama Administration to various aspects of society including the economy, employment, and "kakusa" or economical gap between the rich and poor, among others with special focus on constitutional and foreign policy issues. We will also have with us Sebastien Lechevalier, Associate Professor at EHESS (Centre de Recherches sur le Japon) as a guest commentator.

* Admission by donation (suggested: $5)

* Yves' talk will be in English and Japanese translation will be provided.

RSVP and Inquiry: Email with your name and the number of people attending. Phone: 604-619-5627

Organized by: Vancouver Save Article 9

Supported by: JCCA Human Rights Committee

Yves Tiberghien - Profile
Dr. Yves Tiberghien is Associate Professor of Political Science and a Faculty Associate of the Center for Japanese Research at UBC. He specialize sin Japanese, Chinese and European politics and political economy. Yves obtained his Ph.D. From Stanford University in Political Science in 2002. IN2004-2006, he was an Academy Scholar at Harvard University. In 1999-2000,Yves was a visiting scholar at the Japanese Ministry of Finance and at Keio University with a Japan Foundation fellowship. Yves' book, "Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in Japan, Korea, and France" was published by Cornell University in 2007. Yves has also published several articles and book chapters on the Japan's bubble economy, crisis period, and reform process; as well, he has written articles and chapters on Japan's climate change policy and genetically-modified food regulation. Yves is currently completing a book on the global battle over the governance of GMO swith a large focus on Japan, as well as pursuing research on two new projects: one on the political consequences of Japan's rising inequality(the kakusa issue) and one on the analysis of Japan's and China's role in global governance.



講師:UBC政治学部 イブ・ティベルギアン准教授



場所:日系ヘリテージセンター2階 楓の間Kaede Room, 2nd Floor National Nikkei Heritage Centre6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby BC (地下駐車場あり。行き方の詳細はこちらをどうぞ)



参加申し込み、問い合わせ先:バンクーバー九条の会 Eメール に、お名前と人数をお知らせください。電話でも対応できます。604-619-5627

主催 バンクーバー九条の会

後援 JCCA人権委員会

イブ・ティベルギアン 略歴
ブリティッシュコロンビア大学政治学部准教授。政治学博士。日本、中国、ヨーロッパの政治学と政治経済学が専門。2002年にスタンフォード大学政治学部で博士号を取得。国際交流基金のフェローシップにより日本の財務省および慶応義塾大学で客員研究員・教授を務めた。著書に『企業家的国家:日本、韓国、フランスにおける企業統治の改革』(2007年 コーネル大学)がある。その他、日本のバブル経済、経済危機の時代、構造改革、日本の気候変動に関する政策や遺伝子組み換え食品の規制について等幅広い分野で執筆活動をしている。

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